
Creating Sober Waypoints

In order to facilitate optimal therapeutic impact, we are continuing to develop a range of products designed to help support those looking to implement our course in various treatment modalities ranging from outpatient group workshops to extensive treatment programs for residential treatment programs and IOPs. Creating Sober Waypoints – Curriculum Development™, is a great resource for those looking to integrate our course into the existing curriculum that already exists at your facility or for those looking to build a new curriculum around our course and model for relapse prevention.  Creating Sober Waypoints – Reference Guides™ is a great resource for those looking to enhance their utilization of Plotting a Course to Sobriety: A Model for Relapse Prevention©.

Creating Sober Waypoints– Curriculum Development™

The program curriculum will be designed to meet the clinical needs of your client population and match the clinical expertise of your treatment staff.  LCCS will design a customized curriculum to integrate into your existing treatment model or you can choose from basic curriculum packages that address varying length of stay parameters.

The following are either completed or under development:

  • Basic Creating Sober Waypoints – Residential Treatment Curriculum™(28 days, 40 hours per week) – Available Now!
  • Basic Creating Sober Waypoints – Residential Treatment Curriculum™(15 days, 40 hours per week) – Under development
  • Basic Creating Sober Waypoints – IOP Treatment Curriculum™(90 days, 6 hours per week) – Under development
  • Basic Creating Sober Waypoints – OP Group Workshop Curriculum™ (180 days, 2 hours per week) – Under development

Creating Sober Waypoints – Reference Guides 

LCCS has an ongoing commitment to develop and distribute guides that will enhance a professional’s skill set and optimize the impact of our treatment products and services.  The following Creating Sober Waypoints™ reference guide is the first of many to come and is currently under development:

  • Creating Sober Waypoints: A Navigator’s Handbook© – Under development

The handbook will serve as a key resource for registrants attending a  Relapse Prevention Navigator – Advanced Training™ and serve as a reference resource for guiding clients through the development of a highly individualized relapse prevention plan using Plotting a Course to Sobriety: A Model for Relapse Prevention©.

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