Fragmentation Profile

This is one of several tools we are making available for free on our website that are mentioned in our book An Ounce of Prevention: A Course in Relapse Prevention.  This intervention addresses what it looks like to be fragmented with others we engage everyday. To better understand the concept of what it means to be congruent please read an abbreviated version of what we offer in our course book.

Fragmentation occurs when the ways that we think, feel, speak, and act do not match up.  We are fragmented because we present a distorted picture of who we are and what we are trying to communicate. We have found that it is difficult for a recovering addict to obtain meaningful input and support from others if he or she remains in a fragmented state for a prolonged period of time.  Prolonged periods of fragmentation are symptomatic of the systems of denial and rationalization, which are key attributes in the disease of addiction. These systems contribute significantly to a recovering addict’s difficulty in building and utilizing a support system.  These exercises attempt to address this problem by raising his or her internal awareness about the level of insanity and discomfort he or she endures alone.

Click on this link to download a pdf version of this tool: Sober-Tools-–Fragmentation-Profile

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