

Marriage Counseling

Partners in a troubled romantic relationship will often regretfully report that while he/she loves their partner … they are no longer “in love” with him/her. We will teach you how to be “IN©” and you may return to the state of being “in love” that warmed your heart when the relationship began. The way to experience being “in love” is by making a decision to be “ IN©.”

Family Counseling

Coping with the challenges of life can drain a family’s emotional and spiritual resources to the point that one’s “family” reserves are depleted. The wealth of emotional support and fond recollections can become a faint memory. We will help you with the challenges of raising your children or raising your spirits. Our services incorporate the models of natural & logical consequences and, when working with a family recovering from an addictive disorder, the 12 Step program principles will be woven into our own philosophy of a Common Wealth©.

Children / Adolescents Counseling

We believe that a child’s problematic behavior is as much a problem for them as it is for you and that they find it to be as much a mystery as you do. So stop asking WHY and stop punishing in the name of discipline because your child is also a victim of their behavior. We believe all problematic behavior serves a function that is often rooted in the child’s stressful relationship with peers, siblings, teachers, and parents. We will help you and your child identify HOW© (Honesty, Openness, Willingness) the unwanted behaviors have taken hold and help you develop strategies for replacing the needs that are not being met.

Substance Addiction Counseling

If you or someone you love has a drinking problem we can help. Our staff can help you get the education you need to understand and intervene on the historical and emerging antecedents to that first obsessive drink. Recovery does not have to be a trial and error process. If an alcoholic drinks again, it is a relapse and therefore not a part of recovery. Don’t be mislead by treatment models that suggest that relapse is to be expected. Relapse is a feature of the active disease, not a feature of a solid recovery plan. If a dry alcoholic drinks again it will be exactly the same reason as a social drinker—to change the way he/she feels.

Sex Addiction Counseling

The devastating cost to the quality of human life has moved sex addiction into public attention through the exposition of public figures, but the problem is not one that exclusively targets the wealthy or the famous. The costs associated with the disorder can found in struggling marriages, financial mismanagement, chaotic families, chronic alcoholism and drug abuse relapse, and criminal consequences, to name but a few. Our Certified Sex Addiction Counselors offer help with sex addiction because we believe that advent of cyber sexual opportunities on the internet has catapulted Sexual and Love Addictions into the role of the fastest growing threat to an individual’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Food Addiction Counseling

We understand the demoralizing and debilitating impact that eating disorders such as anorexia, bulimia, compulsive overeating, and binge eating disorder have on an individual’s life. If you or someone you love is living a life feeling powerless because of food-related issues we have been there and we can help.

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