
We Must Be Our Child’s Student


Many of us become overwhelmed from time to time with the task of teaching our children all that we are sure they must learn.  All too often, our effort to bring the message home is hurtful and weakens our child’s resolve for independence and autonomy.  These are times of impatience and frustration, which are usually followed by rebellion and retaliation.  Where are we going with the lesson?  Can you really teach someone under such pressure? 


It was once pointed out to us that there are two kinds of people in our fellowship.  There are teachers and there are students.  The teachers are those who repeatedly take back their will and attempt to control everyone and everything.  The result is usually the same loss of control that is so painfully familiar to all of us.  The students are those who are able to learn from the struggles of others.  If we are willing to have our children teach us about what they need and what they are struggling with, we will grow in patience and tolerance.  Our children will see us as wiser when we are willing to be their students.  


God, help us to be a student in all we do and guard us against selecting who will teach us.  We pray that we can learn from those who love us and those who fail to love us.  We pray that the struggles of others will make us humble students.  

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One in the Spirit: Meditation Course for Recovering Couples

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